Proposed Development of Good Class Bungalow at Sussex Lane

Proposed Development of Good Class Bungalow at Sussex Lane
CS Consulting Engineers Pte Ltd has been awarded HDB HIP G18E contract in a Design & Build tender. The Project value is $23.5m.
Proposed Erection of 1 Block of 6-Storey Single User Ramp Up Warehouse
Building With Ancillary Office On Lot 03964X MK07 at 39 Benoi Road
Singapore 627725 (Pioneer Planning Area)
Proposed Erection of workshop cum workers dormitory at kranji way
The Managing Director Er Soo Chee Sern / QP has been awarded SINGAPORE ENTREPRENEURS 2014/2015
CS Consulting Engineers Pte Ltd has been awarded HDB HIP G19D contract in a Design & Build tender. The Project value is $26.09m.
CS Consulting Engineers Pte Ltd has been awarded HDB HIP G20C contract in a Design & Build tender. The Project value is $25m.
Blk 761 to 769 Yishun St 72 /Ave 3 ( 9 Blocks)
Blk 265 to 275 Yishun St 22 (10 Blocks)
Blk 258- 264 and 291-293 Yishun St 22 (10 Blocks)
Blk 223-230 Serangoon Ave 4 (HIP)
Blk 101-108 Jalan Rajah (HIP)
Blk 202-207,211,213,214,216,217,219-221,224-226,232 & 234 Bishan St 22/23 (LUP)
Proposed development at 30 Kranji Way
Project awarded
Awarded new contract